I have some fabulous news I have been asked to join the Scraptacular design team!!!!!!!
I am so flattered to be joining such an amazing bunch of talented girls, Scraptac is by far the best Scrap Shop around I wish I lived in Melbourne so I could could go into the shop :(, unfortunately I will have to wait until July before I get to catch up with all the fabulous girls again.
I feel very privileged to be joining the Design Team that just recently won the Best Commercial Design Team at SIA in Sydney, I am joining the current design team Rach Scholz, Kim Ogden and Kerry O' Toole and also Dee Molina who is also just joining the team.
I am so excited about this and can't believe my luck to be working with such talented ladies.
Also just show the rewards chart that I made for Charlize for her Toilet Training, she knows when she needs to go but has gotten a bit lazy lately so every time she goes to the toilet and has dry knickers she gets to move Snow White up one stone and so far it is working really good. She will get a present once Snow White goes through the door LOL.