It still seems surreal even seeing it in print today, but I tell you what the large boxes of prizes arrive it does feel real then LOL.
So here are my winning entries in the Masters Mag

And the thing I am most proud about is that one of my Layouts has my favorite photo of me and Lilly on it, all I was ever hoping when entering this was that this LO would get a Honorable Mention.
And Now here are photos of the prizes I have received so far
Ek Success
Rusty Pickle
Bumble Bee Crafts
Urban Lily
American Crafts
Print Blocks
Print Blocks and Aussie Scrap Source
And there is still more too come yet LOL, I cant believe all this stuff so much than I need and double up of somethings I already have so watch on here early next year and I will be giving away some RAK"S after I come home from holidays.